Friday, November 19, 2010


You recognize these products, but do you know where they come from?

Polymers, Paints, Coatings, Resins, Industrial Chemicals, Packaging, Bottles, Containers, Inks, Dyes, Adhesives, Sealants, Construction Chemicals, Surfactants, Cleaning Agents, Specialty Chemicals, Food additives, Flavorings, Fragrances, Cosmetics….

The answer is....

Most of the world’s fuels and carbon-based chemicals are sourced from fossil carbon, with a relatively minor contribution (10%) from biorenewable sources.
The future needs to be more sustainable using BIO-BASED materials. For example:

BioPolymers, BioPaints, BioCoatings, BioResins, Industrial BioChemicals, BioPackaging, BioBottles, BioContainers, BioInks, BioDyes, BioAdhesives, BioSealants, Construction BioChemicals, BioSurfactants, Cleaning BioAgents, Specialty BioChemicals, Food Bioadditives, BioFlavorings, BioFragrances, BioCosmetics….

To learn more about this topic visit:
Center for Biorenewable Chemicals (CBiRC)